Tiap Jam, Wanita Wafat Akibat Kanker Serviks

Tiap Jam, Wanita Wafat Akibat Kanker Serviks

Setiap satu jam diperkirakan satu orang wanita Indonesia meninggal karena kanker serviks. Setiap wanita pun berisiko terinfeksi human papiloma virus (HPV) yang dapat menyebabkan kanker serviks.

pertanyaannya??mau sampai kapan indonesia kita diserang oleh penyakit ini??mari sama2 kita melawan, dengan menggunakan pembalut yg berkualitas, sudah terbukti berhasil membantu ratusan ribu wanita untuk mendapatkan kesembuhan dari berbagai masalah miss v

contoh beberapa masalah vagina yg disepelekan dan panangulangannya =

1. Keputihan
jika anda keputihan itu bisa anda lakukan dengan terapy panty anion
selama 4 jam sekali ga boleh lebih, dan itu harus diikuti dengan tinggalkan produk lokal/panty lokal karena akan sia2 jika anda tetap menggunakannya, dan itu sangat tidak boleh, juga anda tidak bleh menggunakan sabun pembersih atau apapun sejenisnya, yg malah memperparah keputihan

2. Sakit Perut saat Haid
hormon mulai tidak seimbang, dan membuat perut anda sakit, bisa dibayangkan jika pembalut yg kotor bakteri , kuman bercampur darah, dan pada saat anda duduk itu kembali ke dalam vagina, itu membuat vagina kita menjadi kotor, dan menimbulkan bakteri yg merangsang keseimbangan hormon, dan membuat perut kita sakit, dan sebagainya, itu yg perlu anda perhatikan, dengan penggunaan pembalut anion yg kami sarankan itu membantu anda tidak merasakan lagi, karena, pembalut ini sangat kering dan bersih, juga adanya ion negatif membuat kita akan merasakan menstruasi tersebut seperti tidak berasa


Biasanya, virus HPV penyebab kanker serviks adalah tipe 16 dan 18. Untuk mencegahnya, satu-satunya jalan terbaik dalah dengan sadar melakukan deteksi dini dan pencegahan kanker serviks, dan sangat kebetulan, kami pun menyediakan cara mendeteksi secara ringan, bagi anda yg mau mencoba melihat tingkat kebersihan rahim anda

Selain melakukan paps smear, thin prap dan IVA (Inspeksi Visual Asetat), saat ini sudah ada vaksin untuk mencegah inveksi HPV onkogenik 16 dan 18 yang diperkirakan menjadi penyebab 70 persen kasus kanker serviks di dunia. Vaksinasi ini telah direkomendasikan oleh IDAI (Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia) dan HOGI (Himpunan Onkologi Genekologi Indonesia) untuk dapat mulai diberikan pada remaja putri usia 10 tahun.
dan pencegahan yg kami sarankan bagi anda yg mau mencegah lebih dini, mari gunakan pembalut yg berkualitas, jgn pernah menggunakan pembersih jenis apapun yg berbahan kimia dan bisa menggangu, kebersihan rahim anda,

“Kalau di luar negeri pemberian vaksin ini sudah dimulai sejak usia 9 tahun, dan ditanggung oleh negara. Tapi di Indonesia, biayanya masih sangat mahal untuk melakukan vaksin, kisarannya mulai dari Rp 700 ribu ke atas untuk sekali vaksin. Negara kita ini pun belum sanggup untuk menanggungnya.

melakukan vaksin pencegah kanker serviks ini harus diberikan tak hanya satu kali melainkan tiga kali. Untuk itu, faktor biaya yang cukup mahal menjadi salah satu kendala yang sulit untuk mencegah kanker. Cara ini adalah salah satu cara paling efektif untuk mencegah penyakit mematikan ini. Dengan meberikannya di usia dini, wanita bisa terlindungi dari virus HPV ini.

Bagi yang sudah melakukan hubungan seks atau sudah menikah memang tidak 100 persen efektif tapi bisa mencegah virus HPV jenis lain ikut berkembang
karena sebab itulah kami menghimbau untuk anda para wanita Indonesia, segeralah gunakan apa yg menjadi saran kami dari sisi pembalut dan pantyliners, dan gunakan deteksi test pack manual, untuk anda memeriksa kebersihan vagina anda,

Risiko berkembangnya infeksi menjadi kanker serviks adalah lima kali lebih tinggi pada wanita yang tidak menjalankan deteksi dini secara teratur. “Kanker serviks yang ditemukan pada stadium dini dan diobati dengan cepat dan tepat dapat disembuhkan, oleh sebab itu lakukan deteksi dini secara berkala.Dan perlu Anda tahu bahwa vaksinasi dengan deteksi dini bersama-sama dapat mengurangi kejadian kanker serviks secara teratur,” 
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"If u love something let it go, if it comes back to u, its urs forever, if it doesnt, it was never meant to be" nh ayat yg mmbe aku bg. Well done n well said bro(haha). Aku admit stiap bait kata2 ko tu btol, mcm biase la kn ajal maut jodoh pertemuan sume kt tgn tuhan. Ko bguling melompat2 cmne pn kalo da bkn jodoh ko nk wat cmne kn. The truth is we are men. Skang nh maybe kte ckp yg awek tu yg kte nk, she is really the one, she's the love of our life. Seboleh2 nk jgk kn, laki nh bnde yg x dpt or ssh nk dpt yg die nk sgt tu. Ske kn cabaran bru la maksud laki sbenar kn. But then ble da mnghadapi situasi cmnh, awek nk tgk muke ko pn da x lalu, mule la kn mngglabah, mcm2 nk wat supaya awek blk smula. Kol ari2, follow up die pnye perkembangan, cbe igtkn die btapa kte appreciate sume kenangan yg prnah ada, kte cbe btau dorg kte x pnah lupekn dorg dgn harapan dorg pn akan igt same bnde2 tu, cbe btau dorg we feel like shit when they dump us, it's not ok for them to have new bf while we are still suffering because of them, we still love them, we miss them every single day. So in the end, we try to prove to them we are willing to wait. Dengan harapan 1 ari nnt, ati dorg akan trsentuh ngan kesanggupan kte tuk menunggu then balik smula kt sisi kte. Bahagia gle kn jd cmtu.

Realitinye lak, skang nh dh de org lain ngah bahagiakn dorg, ko rs die peduli ke ngan ko pnye kenangan, ko punye tunggu sume tu? Seriously kalo ade org cite mslh nh kt aku, nasihat aku lupekn je n cr lain, pe ssh, ape nk diharap pada yg x sudi kn? Tp ble da jatuh atas batang idung sendiri aku xleh lak nk wat cmtu. Pelik kn? Ckp je pandai, suh wat btol2 da terpinga2. Well as long as aku ada feeling nh lg aku akan tunggu, i'm not worthless u know. But in the end mne la nk tau jodoh kte ngan spe kn. tp kn bro, dr aku knal ko dlu, ko mmg baik punye org, spe yg xnk ko die mmg rugi gle sbenarnye, ko xde la perfect mne pn, tp bg kategori laki aku rs ko laki yg baik. 1 thing i can tell u, she said deep inside she still love u. so pandai2 la ko(haha).

to tell the truth, up until now pn aku still confuse lg. ye la akal ckp lain, ati ckp lain, ari2 kje bertengkar je, sudahnye terkontang kanting aku kt sini. satu solution pn tarak, bikin kepala berat lg ade la. jum kte ikuti pertengkaran mereka:
akal : dia dh ada org len, hang cari laen la.
ati : tp aku nk dia.
akal : dia dh happy ngan org lain la.
ati : aku pun leh hepi kn dia.
akal : dia bkn nk hang dah pn
ati : aku akan tuggu dia
akal : sampai bila?
ati : smpai bila2
akal : c'mon la bro, pikiaq sket, hang igt berbaloi ka kalo tunggu? hang tunggu dia, hang igt dia nk tunggu hang?
ati : err..
akal : ari2 duk tringat kt dia, hang rasa dia igt kt hang ka?
ati : erm..
akal : pompuan bkn dia sorg ja, besepah lg kn?
ati : mmg bsepah, tp x sama mcm dia.
akal : knapa nk yg mcm dia?
ati : da mmg syg kt dia
akal : dia bkn syg kt hg.
ati : err..
akal : cari laen la, xpn x yah cari langsung, lepak sudah.
ati : tp duk tringat lg nh.
akal : lupakn sj, apa nk dikenang pada yg x sudi?
ati : arghhh..nk gak!!

step 1.
haa lebeyh kurg cmnh la ari2, lpas tu mule la belek fon. "nk kol ke xnk?" pastu dail, "tett..tett..tett.." xdak org angkt, "frust".

akal : duk kata dah dia mmg tamau kt hang la.
ati : dia busy kut.

ulang step 1.

ulang step 2.

ulang step 1.

ulang step 2.

last2 tertidoq. well kalo ari2 mcm tu fedap gak kn, then aku cuba tuk resist dari memegang fon. apa yg ssh sgt nk lepaskn sbenarnye nh kn? bkn pe aku takot, kalo2 peluang tuh masih ada n then aku give kt tgh jln. haa rugi kn? tu kata ati aku. well org kata ikut ati mati kn. sebtolnye aku pkai akal la kn, i know my limit, i'll stop when i have to. i believe that within these few years i've done everything that i could possibily do. it takes two to tangO right? kalo sorg2 dh tntU la laNgkah aku akan sumbaNg. aku xnk trus melangkah ngan sumbaNg!
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Jadwal Inter Island Cup (IIC 2010)

Jadwal pertandingan inter island cup 2010
Pembagian wilayah inter island cup 2010
Pembagian grup inter island cup 2010
Stasiun tv yang menyiarkan inter island cup (IIC)2010
Stadion Tempat diselengarakanya inter island cup 2010
Dan berikut adalah Jadwal Pertandingan dan Pembagian Grup Inter Island Cup 2010 :
Pembagian Grup Turnamen Djarum Inter Island Cup 2010

* Grup A : Arema Indonesia, Persipura Jayapura, PSM Makassar
* Grup B : Sriwijaya FC, Persiba Balikpapan, Persib Bandung

Jadwal Pertandingan Turnamen Inter Island Cup (IIC) 2010

GRUP A (Stadion Kanjuruhan Malang) :

* Arema VS Persipura – Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010 (Kick of : 21.15 WIB)
* Persipura VS PSM - Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010 (Kick of : 21.15 WIB)
* PSM VS Arema – Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010 (Kick of : 21.15 WIB)

GRUP B (Stadion Jakabaring Palembang) :

* Sriwijaya FC VS Persiba – Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010 (Kick of : 21.15 WIB)
* Persiba VS Persib – Senin, 30 Agustus 2010 (Kick of : 21.15 WIB)
* Persib VS Sriwijaya – Rabu, 1 September 2010 (Kick of : 21.15 WIB)

FINAL ( Stadion Jakabaring Palembang ) :

* Juara Grup A VS Juara Grup B – Minggu, 5 September 2010 (Kick of : 21.15 WIB)

Turnamen Inter Island Cup (IIC) 2010 ini akan memperebutkan total hadiah Rp 250 juta.Juara pertama akan mendapatkan Rp 100 juta, Rp50 juta untuk runner up, dan empat tim lainnya masing-masing Rp 25 juta. Read More..

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Gita Gutawa - Balada Shalawat (Full Album)

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Honesty VS Sincerity

Tatau mcm mne nk ckp dh, ssh btol la kalo da tlebeh feeling nh, pantang lonely sket mula la nk mnulis. Da mcm pmpn dh aku nh, asyk ckp psl feeling je. Tu la dlu duk kl p cr 1 umah ngan bapok, bajet nk duk umah kemas2,cantik2, xnk yg setinggan2. Pastu duk follow blog akak senduk lak, ala blog bapok tu. Cite die klaka gle kut,rugi la kalo x bce kn. Tp last2 tgk la ape jd, aku lak duk mnulis mntang nh. Bg sume org bce lak tuh. Aku dh rs sdikit pondan dh(haha). Nk wat cmne dh duk sini bosan kn, lgpn best pe tulis2 nh, xde la aku mengalami kemurungan yg melampau pastu wayar short pastu bunuh org. Tgk brita smlm, yg semelih anak sendiri tuh? Kalo die tulis sume bnde yg kusutkn otak die aku rs xde la wayar die putus kn. Stress nh kalo salurkn ikut saluran yg btol xde hal pnye la kn.

Ok abih merepek, cite die psl hasil muhasabah diri ataupun sesi termenung aku lam bas masa on the way nk g masjid selat kt bdr melaka td. Ms lalu tepi kuari tanah kt mne tah aku ternampak buldozer@jentolak, lpas tu aku tpikir, b4 nh kalo involve in any relationship, x kesah la kwn ke, awek ke, skandal ke, aku mtk 1 je. Honesty@ kejujuran, mksudnye prangai ko busuk cmne pn jgn mnipu aku sudah. Ckp direst je x yah selindung2 sbb aku pcaya yg aku boleh handle kbenaran. Yg aku xleh handle hanyalah kbenaran slepas penipuan trkantoi.
Recently, aku dapati de 1 value lg yg penting sbenarnye. Sincerity. Kalo kte ikhlas wat smthing or bkwn ngan smone, god willing smuanya akan bjalan lancar. Org ckp pe tu, aaa bkwn biar ikhlas la xyah nk de udang sebalik mee ke chakoteow ke, walopon udang tu sedap, tp kalo duk sebalik mee ke batu ke cmne nk mkn kn. Kalo btol kita ikhlas nk bkawan kn xde la drpd duk bkwn elok2 trus jd musuh kn. Nh sume jd kalo kte wat smthing nk kne ada kpentingan utk diri sndiri. Selfish nh bgus gak kdg2, tp biar di tmpt yg btol n ms yg btol la. Sme la cm lam politik, aish nh yg mls nh, da membebel smpai politik lak, smpai esok x abih nh. Ok2, main point die, ikhlaskn la diri ble bkwn, jgn smata2 tuk kepentingan peribadi je. Sekian sj hasil sesi termenung aku lam bas td.
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emotion breakdown

actually i wrote this one few weeks ago but couldnt publish due to some dificulties. nothing much just things that been bothering my mind that particular time, it's been so hard before that i have to write all of this just to keep my sanity, otherwise i would turn crazy in no time and maybe jump into the ocean attempting to commit suicide. thank god i found this new hobby which is writing and exposing my own self to the public, so i dont have to kill myself anymore(haha). just bear with me for sometimes ok.
Its been 3 weeks already since the 1st time i set my foot here. Everything starting to smooth out as time passed by. The mix feeling, confuse and all sort of negative thought slowly fading away. I admit that i wasnt so sure if i have made a good choice to be a seafarer, the high pay in this career keeps motivating me to overcome every doubt that i have. I really need this kind of job, i like to spend money as much as i love to earn them. Although my job required a lot from me,still i think it will all worth it if 1 day i could live in big bungalow, driving luxurious car. It's true that some people think that money is not everything but for me, lots of money can ensure the comfort of my family. If i were to be married to a lovely lady that i love, i want to be able to provide her with everything that money could buy in this world. Seeing programs like bersamamu in TV really upset me, watching the hardship of women raising their child, i couldnt even imagine my mother being in that position. So i dont think my purpose being here for money is wrong at all. The second highest pay in this world is to be a seafarer, of course airplane pilot got higher pay.

breaking up is tough, luckily my routines here is fucking pack. So i dont blame her at all for the failure of our relationship. I would never have time to entertain her as i know girls need an awful lot of attention, being here as a cadet wouldnt allowed me to be an attentive boyfriend. Keep holding on to her would makes us suffer anyway. I keep treating her as a girlfren but at the same time her heart is not for me.it will just make things worse. I keep consulting my self with such word, the reality is i still couldnt believe that things already over between us. All the memory we had together keeps playing in my mind and i start asking questions "does that means nothing to her?". My heart is aching thinking the possibilities of her answer. There were times when i didnt expect anything from her, after my 1st relationship failed, i got angry with all the girls, i think that they all cannot be trusted, always sneaky behind boyfriend and flirting with all sort of guys. So i figured the very second time i shouldnt expect much because at the end i know the same things will happen again, it is hard when u get involve with such beautiful girl(haha). Anyway, as we spend times together my feeling got attached, we were together in the name of firendship, we never declared to be a couple. I dont mind that as i know even in the name of frens our act is way out of friendship thing, between a guy n a girl there's no such thing as frenship la, at least that is what i believe. I dont really trust her at first, but last year when i have to go on mission in Gulf of Aden because of the pirates, she cried for me. It really moved me, that is the very 1st time a pretty girl is crying for me. My heart melted like an ice cream in a hot sun(haha). So i sailed leaving my heart to her. Almost a month later i returned back to malaysia, we keep in touch like usual and then 1 day she said she's coming to visit me. I coulnt believe it, is this for real?i kept asking her that. The journey itself from her place to Lumut took at least 5 hours by bus, and she have to change between buses 3 times before she could reach me. That kind of action i find it really meaningful, so that day i've decided that i'm hers forever. Not just 1 time u know, in fact several times she came to lumut just to see me. I always look at her in disbelief when we were alone in the car, i still couldnt believe that she is so closed to me at that time. When she noticed that i was watching her, i would just smile to her and she will make her sweet confused face(haha). There were 1 time when the car that i rent broke down in the middle of heavy rain, i was sightseeing with her at Setiawan. Luckily the car went dead not far from a workshop, so in the heavy rain i went out to ask for help. After pushing the car into the workshop, i got wet because of the rain. Then she took her handkerchief that she just bought and began wiping my face with it, at that particular time i swore i could feel her love. My heart was trembling. I lost to her love T____T. i remember two occasion that takes place earlier this year, it was the time that i've seen her laughter the most. when i got interview for alam, she accompanied me to kl, we had a really great time together, of course it was not that long as we arrived in the morning and she went back at the same night. she even iron my shirt,the one that i'm going to wear for the interview, it seems like nothing for some people but it means a lot to me, a great motivation to go through such interview. then during chinese new year, i went to the hot bath at ulu lenggong with her, because of there were too many people we couldnt get into the bath, somehow that night turns to be very pleasant for me, i take her too the beach and we spent time together chatting and joking around. when she laugh at every stupid jokes i made i feel so happy. i was the luckiest man on earth who get to see such a beautiful girl smile and even makes her laugh. i'm proud of myself because of that. Time flies very fast, i think its been almost 2 years already since me and her became "frens". When she said that she have someone else last week, my heart collapse. Everything in this world seems unreal anymore, how can i live when part of me is missing already. Everything that i've work up untill now is wasted already. Why would i force myself to live in a regimental life?why would i choose to sail around the world? If the reason i did that is no longer exist.
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Now I Know

 During the heat n optic class, i came to realize something. I was so blind before that i couldnt even see what's really happening just in front of my eyes. Of course i didnt mean it literally happen in front of me but the fact is, it does happen. Maybe because i'm afraid to admit that the fact is true, i purposely clouded my judgement and shut my eyes close. The thing is, who wants to get hurt? However the harder i tried to deny it, more painful i will be. Ok what the hell i'm talking about out of no where? Here is the story, for the past few weeks i've been torturing myself with beautiful memories that i used to have. I even start asking question whether all the memories is only worth for me?does the other party not effected at all? Does all the time we spend together is meaningless for her?

Ok, one particular important thing that i miss out here, all the memories, all the time spend together, all the laugh, all the conversation, all the night phone calls, all of her smile, every single things that relate us together, there were all in the PAST. I used to have them before, i had my chance already, somehow it didnt turn out very well and it didnt last as long as i imagined it would be. I came to realize that the present should be the priority now, er if it's not for me, at least for her la. Why should i ask her about all the memories that we had together if she's living a happy life right now? Why should she even remember them? I mean the past is already gone, right? What matters now is the present life. As she is living a good life now, i'm leading what kind of life? Well that is the question i'm still working on. Hope i would find an answer soon, otherwise i will keep on living in the past, if i cant live a happy life now just let me live in my beautiful memory where i have everything, i'll wait untill happy face came knocking on my door again. If this is torturing, i'll live by it maybe it will make me stronger in the future, who knows(haha). Read More..

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Tutorial Atau Cara Mengunakan Cheat Misi Mayor Jonita 24 agustus 2010

1. buka Vincent suspender dan pb launcher, klik check

2. klik start pb , lalu pada Vincent suspender klik kanan pointblank.exe lalu klik pause

3.buka Injector dan pada kolom process isikan ( PointBlank.exe ) , dan titik titik arahkan ke 24082010.dll dan klik inject dll (liat gambar di bawah)

4. close kan Injector , lalu klik kanan PointBlank.exe pada suspener
pillih resume, dan buruan close VincentSUSPENDER .

Pada saat di lobby tekan f12 untuk aktifkan cheat

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Koenigsegg CCX Review and pictures

The record-breaking CCX was developed to deliver superior performance - both on the track and on the road. We also wanted to show a clear lineage from its predecessor and avoid following design trends. So we’ve kept the distinctive CC shape and simply enhanced its unique appearance with tighter lines and a more aggressive stance.

The 806 Bhp Koenigsegg engineered and assembled engine delivers unmatched power in terms of its size and weight. At the same time it complies with the toughest emission regulations worldwide. The engine has been built to last and to be driven to the limit.

The award-winning aerodynamic shape of the CCX is one of strength and flowing motion. It is formed to reach ultimate speeds and efficiencies. Every aspect of this machine serves a fundamental purpose, and nothing else. There are no gadgets or unnecessary features on the car, only what is absolutely vital in the name of efficiency and purity.

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Kumpulan Quotes Kamen Rider


tentunya uda pada gak asing lagi dengan jagoan tokusatsu dari negeri jiran...
eh... negeri sakura ini kan?? Yup... mereka adalah Kamen rider!
Kamen rider banyak sekali macamnya, mulai dari era showa sampai heisei.
namun, tahukah kalian, kalau ada beberapa kamen rider yang identik dengan kutipan2 kalimat yang cukup menarik?

contohnya saja, kamen rider kabuto, yg begitu identk dengan kutipan: "Grandmother always say this...."
dan tentunya, masih banyak lagi kutipan2 terkenal yang khas dari rider2 lainnya....
mau tahu?

so, tunggu apa lagi???

Kamen Rider Den-O

ore sanjou: i'm born
Ikuse!3x: go!go!go!
Boku ni tsumarete Miru ??: May i fish you out ???
Nakerude: Make You Cry
Kotae wa Kitte Nai: I can't hear you

Kamen Rider Kabuto

Obaa chan ga iite ita:
* Walking to the path of heaven , i am the man who will rule everything
* Force the world to revolve around you. It's more fun to think that way.
* People become stronger through adventures.
* When people love others, they grow weaker, though it's nothing to be ashamed of. True weakness lies elsewhere.
* When not close by, one is even closer.
* Chase two birds, and you catch two birds.
* People who steal things, lose something even more important.
* It is enjoyable to eat something delicious, but the greatest joy comes from the time spent waiting for it.
* Delicious cooking is alive,you must be nonchalant about it.
* No matter what condiment, no matter what ingredient, there is something greater and that's love of the person creating the food.
* There are no bad restaurants or bad experiments in this world.
* Fancy food does not taste good. No matter what truth you try to hide, you cannot hide it.
* If you wish it to be so, luck will always be on your side.
* Flowers can make any girl glow.
* All girls are equally beautiful.
* A knife can only bring happiness when used in cooking.
* Fancy flavors cannot hide poor cooking.
* It is fun to add a secret flavor so that no one knows. But... it's more fun to find it.
* Even the devil's whispers can sometimes sound like an angel's voice.
* One that drowns in oneself will eventually fall to darkness.
* Even in a world full only with enemies, there will always be someone you must protect.
* If you receive a little kindness, give them a large serving.
* Imitating others is not bad, for it's how we recognize ourselves.
* Once you know the real thing... you won't be fooled by an imitation.
* Children are treasures. The greatest sin in this world is to damage those treasures.
* Angels descend during meals, for it is a sacred time.
* There are two things a man must never do. One is to not make girls cry...The other is to not handle food so crudely!
* The sun is wonderful, it can make even the dirt shine.
* Life is a long path to a goal. Drop your heavy luggage and enjoy walking with your hands empty.
* Men must be cool. Boiling water is but vapor.
* The wishes of the children are the future's reality...Adults that laugh at such dreams are no longer human.
* A bond is a deep connection that can never be broken. Even if apart, heart and heart are still connected.
* My evolution is faster than the speed of the light. There is nothing in the whole universe that can keep up with my evolution.
* The justice is myself.

Kutipan dari si tendou ini sangat terkenal... dia selalu menyebut2 neneknya, di tiap kutipan2nya.... buset... neneknya sungguh bijak luar biasa...

Kamen Rider Blade

Kenzaki (Blade):
"I want to protect people who suffer"
Tachibana (Garren):
"I want to become stronger"
Hajime (Chalice):
"I wonder if all of you human can defeat me"

Kamen Rider Decade

Tsukasa eps 3 (Kuuga World)
"The man is fighting so that no one else need to fight. Even when plunged around in his darkness, he wants to make others smile. That what Yusuke believes. If he protects smile, then I will protect his smile."

Tsukasa eps 5 (Kiva world)
"Wataru believes in the law, that human and fangire can live together. But you gave up. You lost to your own weakness and forsook the law. But he fight for what those who believe. That's not a dream, that is what the qualification of the King!"

Tsukasa eps 9 (Blade world)
Joker said, "Rider just BOARD employee, they raise their ranks and only work to receive payment."
Tsukasa, "Money and prestige have dazzled your eyes. You are noveau richie bastard. At the very least, Kendate works not for money, not for ranks, or especially not to beat down his comrade in an employee survival race. But for evolution. Fall or succeed, the comrade he works with support and help each other. They evolve together, that's why he works. "

Tsukasa eps 17 (Kabuto World)
"Grandmother said this: 'Looking isn't enough to know the broth's flavor', right? Don't be deseive by appearances, Mayu. Kabuto always trying to defeat Worm mimicking himself."
Otogiri said, "That woman is Worm. She has nowhere to return. And, you drawn each other because you're both weak."
Tsukasa, "Wrong! There is only one place in this world, even if everyone in this world was an enemy, there is a place where one'sfamily waiting for one's return. And in this world only one man, even if everyone in this world was an enemy, Kabuto will fight for his family. In a dimension beyond the reach of anyone's voice, he bore his loneliness to protect everyone. So, Kabuto is always stronger than all others. You have the same face, but you are nothing compared to him."

Kaito eps 19 (Hibiki world)
"If you have the motivation, I don't think anything in this world is imposibble. First, you have to start moving. If you move, something will start."

Tsukasa eps 21 (Nega world)
Otoya said, "you can have anything you want here, all sorts of pleasures and joys. Stay here, you're journey is over."
Tsukaa, "Wrong! Everyone is searching for a world where they belong. A place of light, free of falsehood. We are continuing journey to go there. We mustn't be afraid of this journey. No one has rights to corrupt or use that journey. "

Tsukasa bagaikan seorang yang benar2 telah banyak makan asam garam, hingga bisa mengucapkan berbagai kata2 bijak seperti itu... luar biasa...
Dan yang paling terkenal adalah:
"Toori Sugari no Kamen Rider.... Oboitoke... (Just Passing through kamen rider... remember it!""

Kamen Rider 555 (Faiz)

Hey, do you know? when you have a dream... sometimes its really painful... and sometimes you get really fired up. Or so i hear..

I don't have a dream. But, you know, I can protect dreams.

Kamen Rider W

Omae Tsumi wo kazoero = Count all of your sins

Kamen Rider Black

Kotaro Minami : "ini pasti ulah GORGOM!!!"
"Mempermainkan Nyawa manusia....! Tak bisa dimaafkan!!"
Trus di endingnya,pas kotaro naik motor pergi, narrator : "Berjuanglah, Ksatria Baja Hitam!"
ngakak deh kalo inget yang satu ini...

well, sejauh ini masih segini quotes terkenal dari kamen rider yang berhasil saya kumpulkan.... ada yang bisa menambahkan??

Originally posted by: Animovies Read More..

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The Range Rover Sport HSE is impressively appointed, with attention to detail and craftsmanship evident in each of the superb array of features. An integrated instrument display, featuring a 5-inch TFT-LCD screen and a 7-inch touch-screen, relays vital driver information in combination with a premium navigation system. You'll arrive in luxurious style with 8-way electrically adjustable seats in sumptuous leather, complemented with Noble finish details. While a host of intelligent features, including Parking Aid and Dynamic Stability Control, help with challenging maneuvers and deliver supreme control.

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